The Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is going to change from the local single window system to the DUEPORT system (DUEPORT APSCT) for the processing of information related to vessels’ stopover. DUEPORT’s system, after having received the pertinent information, it is automatically distributed to other competent authorities of the Administration.
DUEPORT is the National Maritime Single Window operated and managed by the government agency Puertos del Estado in accordance with the provisions of the Directive 2010/65/UE (transposition of the Royal Decree 1331/2012, of 21 September) requiring from June 1, 2015 Member States to have systems for the electronic fulfillment, submission, sharing and consulting of data on vessels’ stopovers.
The government agency Puertos del Estado puts at Port Authorities disposal in need, the Local Maritime Single Window (DUEPORT LSW) for private agents of the Port Community, a system which does not involve any cost in the use of the application either to private agents or the Port Authority.
DUEPORT’s platform enables Ports of Tenerife, the government agency Puertos del Estado, the rest of Spanish Ports of general interest, ports of regional ownership, as well as more than one thousand port agents involving in operations, from the 28 existing port authorities to Harbour’s Master Offices, consignees, customs, health authority, border control, etc., to exchange information electronically.
DUEPORT’s solution speeds up stopovers’ management, anticipates cargo movement and passenger traffic, improving the Spanish port-logistics network. The “single window” enables all port community operators to electronic fulfil and submit all data on vessels, documents and formalities to the authority concerned.
Information reaches the government agency Puertos del Estado from which DUEPORT’s system automates workflows and addresses it to the appropriate authorities to complete operational and legal requirements: Customs, Civil Guard, National Police, Spanish Navy, Foreign Health, Merchant Marine, etc., and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), through the European maritime information exchange system SafeSeaNet (SSN) and incorporating SASEMAR (Maritime Safety and Rescue Society) into this system as well.
Consignees will be able to interact with this system through the following modalities:
1. Through the graphical user interface of DUEPORT’s system. This modality covers all formalities provided for in PIDE (integrated procedure of stopover declaration), in particular:
· 01 Stopover Request.
· 02 Passenger Manifest.
· 03 Crew Manifest.
· 04 Notification of Waste and Residues.
· 05 Protection Information.
· 06 Berths and Anchorages Management – Request Form.
· 07 Cargo Declaration (Cargo Manifest and Summary Declarations for Temporary Storage).
· 08 Maritime declaration of health.
· 09 Notification/Declaration of Dangerous Goods.
· 10 Change of Consignee.
· 11 Ship’s Clearance Exhibit.
In this case, access to DUEPORT is via Web. Any browser can be used and Firefox or Google Chrome are recommended. It is necessary to have access credentials (user name and password), previously requested to the APSCT (Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife) and whose procedure is specified below.
The functionality of cargo’s declaration is being implemented on other Spanish ports, so it requires more intense tests than in the case of the rest of functionalities, based on a Defined Testing Plan as specified below.
2. Through direct sending to DUEPORT’s system from EDIFACT messaging systems according to the User’s Guide.
3. Through service providers hired by the consignee (e.g. those of PORTEL). In this case, the service provider shall forward, on behalf of the consignees, the appropriate EDIFACT messages according to the User’s Guide.
Prior to the entry in production of DUEPORT’s system of the APSCT, a number of tests need to be made in a pre-production environment prepared for this purpose (https://vuppre.puertos.es/login/login.xhtml) and whose Test Plan shall be communicated to each Declarant.
Those consignees wishing to be included into the DUEPORT’s system of the APSCT should send an email to Soporte-Sistemas@puertosdetenerife.org, with the subject “DUEPORT-APSCT Alta de usuario”, indicating the modality chosen. The Port Authority will forward access credentials as soon as possible.
Consults on the implementation process of the new system shall be addressed to the same electronic address with the subject “DUEPORT-APSCT Consulta proceso de implantación” and they will be answered promptly.
DUEPORT’s platform provides user’s handbooks on every screen and a series of tutorial videos for using the application, which may be consulted at the following web address:
https://dueport.puertos.es/login/tutorials.xhtml, and a 24/7 Help Desk service whose contact details are as follows:
Telephone: +34 91 524 55 88
Customer Service (SAC) of the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
E-mail: soporte-sistemas@puertosdetenerife.org
Telephone: +34 922 605 510